In my experience, one of the most impactful relationships one can enjoy in life is that of being a mentor or being mentored.
This unique opportunity provides for an individual with years of wisdom and/or expertise on a subject to impart it to another. Often this is done in the spirit of “paying if forward” rather than for a charge.
One such organization that has provided mentorship to several hundred thousand individuals since its founding in 1964 is SCORE which was initially referred to as the Service Corps of Retired Executives.
Today SCORE's primary service offering is its small business mentoring program, through which volunteer mentors (all experienced in entrepreneurship and other related areas of expertise) provide free counsel to small business clients.
Mentors work with SCORE clients to address issues and learn best practices related to starting and growing a business, including writing business plans, developing products, conceiving marketing strategies and hiring staff.
Clients access their mentors via free, ongoing face-to-face mentoring sessions or through email or video mentoring services.
SCORE has 300 chapters throughout the United States and its territories that leverage the expertise of more than 10,000 volunteer mentors for the benefit of their clients. Many chapters have multiple branch locations throughout the regions they serve.
SCORE chapters hold free or low-cost in-person workshops covering a variety of topics (e.g. "Simple Steps to Starting Your Business"; "Owning and Operating a Franchise in Miami"; "How to Start a Restaurant and Food Truck Business", etc.).
Score is actively looking for mentors. Here are two comments from individuals who are presently serving in that capacity.
“SCORE makes a difference and is a tremendous organization that gives entrepreneurs encouragement, resources and support. It is so rewarding to know that I have made a difference in someone’s life and had an impact on their future success in business.” Joyce P.
“I joined SCORE to further the idea of entrepreneurship. I enjoy sharing my 25 + years of experience, knowledge, and skills with start-up and established businesses. SCORE is an excellent venue to foster public service.” Michael M.
If you are located in western Pennsylvania and would like to learn more about serving as a SCORE mentor or how to benefit in the organization’s services please reach out to George Skivington here <george.skivington@gmail.com> for additional information.
If you are located in another part of the country and want to learn more about how you can help or be helped by SCORE all the information you need can be found on their website.