In my travels I’ve had the opportunity to frequent a few Hyatt
Regency Hotels around the country including the one in Louisville,
KY. The trademark of these hotels is the cavernous nature of the
facility, which lends itself to wonderful acoustics, a fact not lost on
the Kentucky Music Educators Association All State Choir. The
choir is composed of high school students from around the state
who meet annually at the Louisville Convention Center for their
annual conference.
Before curfew each night at around 11:00 PM the students
assemble on the balconies overlooking the atrium. At some point
one person begins to hum a single note. Within a few seconds
everyone overlooking the atrium is humming that same note.
Moments later the note can be heard resonating throughout the
atrium at which point the assembled choir begins a most solemn
rendition of our country’s National Anthem.
While the anthem frequently gives me goose bumps, I’ve never
had more than when listening to this three-minute
version…particularly the high notes at the end. ENJOY!!